My First Ever Project, a Catio

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I started my wood working journey with a simple project. A screened in porch patio for our new cats. Started the design in Sketchup, a free 3D program to help reveal the details, material needs, and visualize execution and make for easier mockup.

I found the screen on Amazon. It’s a basic nylon screen that is the same material as our windows. I opted for the grey color in hopes that it is less noticeable to the naked eye but I think I’ll go for black next time.

Just like with everything, this first version does have its flaws. You can see the holes from the screws that I intended to have for a support beam that runs underneath. After a few uses, I realized that it was not necessary and the base was tough enough to handle both of the cat’s weights. Next one will be better and I’ll be using less wood.

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4 thoughts on “My First Ever Project, a Catio

    1. Good question! It’s like a window air conditioner unit but a lot lighter. The face part that’s on the inside is wider than the window frame. This keeps it from getting pushed out while the bottom part extends just below the window frame to keep that from sliding in. It’s a push and pull that keeps it stable.
      I have an updated version of this that has a full cover front that makes it even more stable so watch out for it when I post or you can also follow my Instagram if you haven’t already. That’s where I will be posting my recent projects. Thanks for commenting! Have a good night!

    1. Hi Selina, you can get any window screen you find on amazon. The one that I’ve been meaning to try is the more durable pet screen like this one, it’s a vinyl coated polyester.

      I’m not affiliated and I don’t get any money from amazon so, you can get any that are similar.

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