Catio v2.0

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UPDATE: The Instagram reel showing this catio in use blew up. A lot of people have been asking how to build it. The following is a quick summary of how I got to the current design. I made a DIY step-by-step guide on how to make this catio available now on my Etsy shop. Go straight there

Currently working on a beefier, more functional catio. Why, you ask? Because I believe in self growth and I like the journey of learning via hand-on experience – but also, my cats are driving me insane and won’t stop bugging me to open the windows so this will help quiet them down a bit. I still love the little monsters though.


While I liked that the size of the posts didn’t block too much of the view outside, the posts were ultimately too thin. I didn’t realize that I was sacrificing function over aesthetics.

see previous version

Using thicker posts allow me to use splines, the same ones that you see on window screens, that make it easier to swap out if any of the screens gets damaged.

When designing for pets you have to know that they will really put your design through a test. In this case, cats will claw at the screen and tear it up. Not only is it a pain to replace the entire thing, it’s rather wasteful than replacing only a small piece at a time.


First thing you might notice is the front face, the part that holds it onto the window. In the old design there were obvious gaps when it sat on the window. Now, there’s a face that will sit flush against the window frame and keep bugs out.

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